Clickhouse is a powerful OLAP database. In actual use, you will encounter various problems, and there are also many places that can be tuned. This article explains how to diagnose ClickHouse problems and perform a performance analysis.

No. Table name Meaning Description
1 system.asynchronous_insert_log Asynchronous data insertion log Added in version 2023
2 system.asynchronous_metrics Current system performance metrics Asynchronously updated
3 system.asynchronous_metric_log System historical performance metrics Asynchronously updated
4 system.crash_log System crash log  
5 system.filesystem_cache_log Log of file-based caches  
6 system.metric_log System historical performance metrics Not the same as system.asynchronous_metrics
7 system.part_log The system’s data part log records the creation, merging, download, removal, update, and movement of data parts. Very useful.
8 system.processes Queries currently running. Very common.
9 system.query_log The system’s query log. Very useful.
10 system.query_views_log Query log for various views Experimentally found that it does not record any logs, even if log_query_views is turned on.
11 system.query_thread_log Thread-related log for system queries Records thread_name, thread_id, master_thread_id information
12 system.opentelemetry_span_log OpenTelemetry span log See the description of OpenTelemetry below
13 system.processors_profile_log Detailed performance information during query execution  
14 system.session_log Client login/logout log Can be used for security protection
15 system.settings Settings information for system configuration  
16 system.text_log The system’s text log, which is the same as the content of the log file  
17 system.trace_log System operation trace log, including callstack. Very useful
18 system.transactions_info_log Transaction work log, including start and end time, status  
19 system.zookeeper_log Operation log for ZooKeeper  

OpenTelemetry is an open standard for generating, collecting and processing trace, logging and metrics data from distributed systems. It provides a set of APIs and SDKs that can be integrated into applications and infrastructure to collect and deliver data and aggregate it into a centralized repository to support analysis, monitoring and troubleshooting.

Performance metrics

Performance metrics are sourced from system.asynchronous_metrics, system.asynchronous_metric_log, and system.metric_log.

Real-time performance metrics

Display all current performance metrics

order by

There are more than 300 metrics. Here is a description of some of them

Metric Meaning
CompiledExpressionCacheCount Number of compiled expressions saved in the cache
jemalloc.* jemalloc-related metrics, requires in-depth understanding of jemalloc memory allocation
MarkCacheBytes / MarkCacheFiles .mrk file cache
MemoryCode Memory footprint of ClickHouse code
MemoryDataAndStack Memory size occupied by data and stack (including virtual memory)
MemoryResident Size of occupied real memory
MemoryShared Shared memory size
MemoryVirtual Virtual memory size
NumberOfDatabases Number of databases
NumberOfTables Number of tables
ReplicasMaxAbsoluteDelay The maximum absolute delay time (in seconds) for cluster replicas
ReplicasMaxRelativeDelay The maximum relative delay time (in seconds) for cluster replicas
ReplicasMaxInsertsInQueue The maximum number of parts to be fetched from other replicas by a single Replicated table slave
ReplicasSumInsertsInQueue The total number of parts to be fetched from other replicas by all Replicated table slaves
ReplicasMaxMergesInQueue The maximum number of merge tasks in the merge queue of a single Replicated table slave
ReplicasSumMergesInQueue The total number of merge tasks in the merge queue of all replicated tables
ReplicasMaxQueueSize The maximum number of tasks in the task queue of a single replicated table
ReplicasSumQueueSize The maximum number of tasks in the task queue of all replicated tables
UncompressedCacheBytes/UncompressedCacheCells The memory space occupied by the cache of uncompressed data
Uptime The cumulative online time of ClickHouse (in seconds)
       metric ilike '%memory%' or metric ilike '%cach%'
order by
       metric ilike '%cpu%'
order by

Each core of the CPU has a corresponding CPU metric. Currently, there are about 10 metrics for each CPU core, suffixed with CPUx.

Metric (without the CPUx suffix) Explanation
OSGuestNiceTime Metric that measures the “nice time” of processes in the virtual machine. Nice time indicates the priority of the process and ranges from -20 to +19. The default value is 0. A lower nice value indicates a higher priority for the process, i.e. it is more likely to be allocated a CPU time slice.
OSGuestTime An indicator that measures the time of processes in a virtual machine. It indicates the total time that processes running in a virtual machine spend using the CPU. The unit is nanoseconds. It can be used to monitor the CPU utilization of processes in a virtual machine and the load on the host system.
OSIOWaitTime An indicator of the time spent by a process waiting for I/O operations. It can be used to monitor the load on I/O devices by processes. Generally, if this indicator is high, it indicates that the bottleneck is in I/O, which is detrimental to systems that emphasize throughput.
OSIdleTime An indicator of CPU idle time, in nanoseconds.
OSIrqTime An indicator that measures the CPU time consumed by a process in the hardware interrupt (such as I/O device operation completion, clock interrupt, etc.) service routine. This indicator mainly indicates the impact of I/O interrupts on the system, in nanoseconds. A high value indicates that the processing of I/O interrupts is a bottleneck, but the optimization may not be at the software level.
OSNiceTime A metric that measures the “nice time” of processes in the host. Nice time indicates the priority of the process, and ranges from -20 to +19. The default value is 0. A smaller nice value indicates a higher priority for the process, which means it is more likely to obtain a CPU time slice.
OSSoftIrqTime A metric that measures the CPU time consumed by soft interrupt service routines, in nanoseconds.
OSStealTime A metric that measures the CPU time stolen by the host computer from virtual machines in a virtualized environment. It indicates the time that processes running in virtual machines are forced to wait because the host computer has stolen CPU time. The unit is nanoseconds. A high value indicates that the host computer is overloaded and resources are highly contested.
OSSystemTime CPU system time metric, which indicates the total time the process has used the CPU in kernel mode, in nanoseconds.
OSUserTime CPU user time metric, which indicates the total time the process has used the CPU in user mode, in nanoseconds.
OSCPUVirtualTimeMicroseconds Runtime on the virtual CPU, in microseconds.

Reference: Metrics List

Historical performance metrics

Replace the table system.asynchronous_metrics in real-time performance metrics with system.asynchronous_metric_log, which has the additional columns event_date and event_time.

For example, to view historical memory-related metrics, use the following query:

select *
from system.asynchronous_metric_log
       metric ilike '%memory%'
order by

The following describes some commonly used queries.

Trend of peak memory usage (nearest to farthest)

with interval 5 minute as time_frame_size -- 时间间隔,当前是5分钟
, 100 as bar_width -- 条状图的宽度,当前是100
, (select max(value) from system.asynchronous_metric_log where metric = 'OSMemoryTotal') as max_mem
, now() - interval 24 hour as time_start
, now() as time_end
select toStartOfInterval(event_time, time_frame_size) as timeframe,
	max(value) as `used_memory`,
    formatReadableSize(`used_memory`) as `used_memory_readable`,
    formatReadableSize(max_mem) as `max_memory`,
    bar(used_memory / max_mem, 0, 1, bar_width)
from system.asynchronous_metric_log
where metric = 'MemoryResident' and event_time >= time_start and event_time <= time_end
group by timeframe
order by timeframe desc;

Trend of peak CPU utilization

with interval 5 minute as time_frame_size -- 时间间隔,当前是5分钟
, 20 as bar_width -- 条状图的宽度,当前是30
, now() - interval 24 hour as time_start
, now() as time_end
   toStartOfInterval(event_time, time_frame_size) as timeframe,
   maxIf(value, metric = 'OSUserTimeNormalized') as cpu_usr,
   maxIf(value, metric = 'OSSystemTimeNormalized') as cpu_sys,
   bar(cpu_usr, 0, 1, bar_width) as barCPU_usr,
   bar(cpu_sys, 0, 1, bar_width) as barCPU_sys
from system.asynchronous_metric_log
where metric in ['OSUserTimeNormalized', 'OSSystemTimeNormalized'] and event_time >= time_start and event_time <= time_end
group by timeframe
order by timeframe desc;

Trend of peak CPU and memory utilization

with interval 5 minute as time_frame_size -- 时间间隔,当前是5分钟
, 25 as bar_width -- 条状图的宽度,当前是100
, (select max(value) from system.asynchronous_metric_log where metric = 'OSMemoryTotal') as max_mem
, now() - interval 24 hour as time_start
, now() as time_end
select toStartOfInterval(event_time, time_frame_size) as timeframe,
	maxIf(value, metric = 'MemoryResident') as `used_memory`,
    formatReadableSize(`used_memory`) as `used_memory_readable`,
    formatReadableSize(max_mem) as `max_memory`,
    maxIf(value, metric = 'OSUserTimeNormalized') as cpu_usr,
    maxIf(value, metric = 'OSSystemTimeNormalized') as cpu_sys,    
    cpu_usr + cpu_sys as cpu,
    bar(used_memory / max_mem, 0, 1, bar_width) as barMem,
    bar(cpu_usr + cpu_sys, 0, 1, bar_width) as barCPU_usr
from system.asynchronous_metric_log
where metric in ['OSUserTimeNormalized', 'OSSystemTimeNormalized', 'MemoryResident']
	and event_time >= time_start
	and event_time <= time_end
group by timeframe
order by timeframe desc;

Memory usage statistics for various types of queries

Use the following query to obtain the memory usage statistics for various types of queries for a certain period of time.

    now() - INTERVAL 24 HOUR AS min_time,  -- you can adjust that
    now() AS max_time,   -- you can adjust that
    INTERVAL 1 HOUR as time_frame_size
    formatReadableSize(max(mem_overall)) as peak_ram,
    formatReadableSize(maxIf(mem_by_type, event_type='Insert'))     as inserts_ram,
    formatReadableSize(maxIf(mem_by_type, event_type='Select'))     as selects_ram,
    formatReadableSize(maxIf(mem_by_type, event_type='MergeParts')) as merge_ram,
    formatReadableSize(maxIf(mem_by_type, event_type='MutatePart')) as mutate_ram,
    formatReadableSize(maxIf(mem_by_type, event_type='Alter'))      as alter_ram,
    formatReadableSize(maxIf(mem_by_type, event_type='Create'))     as create_ram,
    formatReadableSize(maxIf(mem_by_type, event_type not IN ('Insert', 'Select', 'MergeParts','MutatePart', 'Alter', 'Create') )) as other_types_ram,
    groupUniqArrayIf(event_type, event_type not IN ('Insert', 'Select', 'MergeParts','MutatePart', 'Alter', 'Create') ) as other_types
        toStartOfInterval(event_timestamp, time_frame_size) as timeframe,
        toDateTime( toUInt32(ts) ) as event_timestamp,
        t as event_type,
        SUM(mem) OVER (PARTITION BY t ORDER BY ts) as mem_by_type,
        SUM(mem) OVER (ORDER BY ts) as mem_overall
        WITH arrayJoin([(toFloat64(event_time_microseconds) - (duration_ms / 1000), toInt64(peak_memory_usage)), (toFloat64(event_time_microseconds), -peak_memory_usage)]) AS data
        CAST(event_type,'LowCardinality(String)') as t,
        data.1 as ts,
        data.2 as mem
        FROM system.part_log
        WHERE event_time BETWEEN min_time AND max_time AND peak_memory_usage != 0

        UNION ALL 

        WITH arrayJoin([(toFloat64(query_start_time_microseconds), toInt64(memory_usage)), (toFloat64(event_time_microseconds), -memory_usage)]) AS data
        data.1 as ts,
        data.2 as mem
        FROM system.query_log
        WHERE event_time BETWEEN min_time AND max_time AND memory_usage != 0
group by timeframe
order by timeframe desc;

Merge performance metrics

    round((elapsed * (1 / progress)) - elapsed, 2) AS estimate,
    formatReadableSize(total_size_bytes_compressed) AS size,
    formatReadableSize(memory_usage) AS mem
FROM system.merges

Performance metrics for mutations

    substr(command, 1, 30) AS command,
    sum(parts_to_do) AS parts_to_do,
    anyIf(latest_fail_reason, latest_fail_reason != '')
FROM system.mutations
WHERE NOT is_done


If the system is currently experiencing a problem, follow the troubleshooting steps below.

Currently running queries

You can find out whether any queries are currently running for a long time by looking at the currently running queries.

select query_id, * from system.processes;

Or, to narrow the focus,

FROM system.processes
ORDER BY peak_memory_usage DESC

Forcefully terminate queries

Queries that are executed for a long time without being terminated need to be terminated in time to release system resources for use by other queries, so as to avoid the entire system from being stuck.

kill query where query_id = '<query ID>'; -- Replace <query ID> with the ID of the query you really want to terminate

Query error analysis

First, find the keyword that causes the error based on the error message of the query, replace keyword, and use the following query to find the query that causes the error.

with '%<包含关键字>%' as keyword  -- 把<包含关键字>替换为实际关键字
select event_time_microseconds, query_id, query, `exception`, exception_code, stack_trace  from system.query_log where exception ilike keyword order by event_time_microseconds desc;

You can roughly determine where the exception was thrown from the stack_trace.

System crash analysis

View all crash logs

select * from system.crash_log order by event_time desc;

Count the number of crashes by build version

select min(event_time) as begin_time, max(event_time) as end_time, build_id, count() from system.crash_log group by build_id order by end_time desc;

Tuning analysis

Tuning analysis is generally divided into two steps: 1. Find the query or queries with the problem; 2. Carefully examine the execution details of the query with the problem and the details of the relevant performance indicators.

Analysis of the memory occupied by loaded tables

If you find that ClickHouse occupies a large amount of memory after starting without any operations, it is likely that the loaded tables occupy too much memory. In particular, tables of the Join, Memory, and Set engines will load all data into memory. We need to find such loaded tables that occupy memory.

with (select formatReadableSize(sum(total_bytes)) from system.tables where engine in ('Memory','Set','Join')) as all_bytes
    database as `数据库名`,
    name as `表名`,
    formatReadableSize(total_bytes) as `占用内存`,
    all_bytes as `总共占用`
from system.tables
where engine in ('Memory','Set','Join')
order by total_bytes desc;

The MergeTree engine family also preloads some data in memory, which also needs to be found.

	count() as `parts数量`,
    sumIf(data_uncompressed_bytes, part_type = 'InMemory') as `内存中的数据片大小`,
    formatReadableSize(sum(primary_key_bytes_in_memory)) as `主键占用内存`,
    formatReadableSize(sum(primary_key_bytes_in_memory_allocated)) as `为主键分配的内存大小`

Refresh in real time using a shell script

echo "         Merges      Processes       PrimaryK       TempTabs          Dicts"; \
for i in `seq 1 600`; do clickhouse-client --empty_result_for_aggregation_by_empty_set=0  -q "select \
(select leftPad(formatReadableSize(sum(memory_usage)),15, ' ') from system.merges)||
(select leftPad(formatReadableSize(sum(memory_usage)),15, ' ') from system.processes)||
(select leftPad(formatReadableSize(sum(primary_key_bytes_in_memory_allocated)),15, ' ') from|| \
(select leftPad(formatReadableSize(sum(total_bytes)),15, ' ') from system.tables \
 WHERE engine IN ('Memory','Set','Join'))||
(select leftPad(formatReadableSize(sum(bytes_allocated)),15, ' ') FROM system.dictionaries)
"; sleep 3;  done 

Locating queries that need to be optimized

Find the queries that need to be optimized most among the many queries that occur within a period of time.

All queries within a period of time and sort by execution time

to get all queries in a certain period of time and sort them by execution duration from largest to smallest. This allows you to quickly find the most time-consuming queries.

with now() - interval 24 hour as time_start  -- 开始时间
  , now() as time_end   -- 结束时间
        formatReadableSize (memory_usage),
        event_time_microseconds >= time_start and event_time_microseconds <= time_end
        type in ['QueryFinish', 'ExceptionBeforeStart', 'ExceptionWhileProcessing']
order by
        query_duration_ms desc;

All queries in a time period sorted by memory consumption

Get all queries in a time period sorted by memory consumption from high to low. This allows you to quickly find the queries that consume the most memory.

with now() - interval 24 hour as time_start  -- 开始时间
  , now() as time_end   -- 结束时间
        formatReadableSize (memory_usage),
        event_time_microseconds >= time_start and event_time_microseconds <= time_end
        type in ['QueryFinish', 'ExceptionBeforeStart', 'ExceptionWhileProcessing']
order by
        memory_usage desc;

The SQL statement that used the most CPU time during a certain period of time

with now() - interval 24 hour as time_start -- 开始时间
  , now() as time_end -- 结束时间
select any(query), sum(`ProfileEvents.Values`[indexOf(`ProfileEvents.Names`, 'UserTimeMicroseconds')]) as `总消耗CPU(ms)` 
from system.query_log 
where type = 'QueryFinish'
	and event_time_microseconds >= time_start and event_time_microseconds <= time_end
group by normalizedQueryHash(query)
order by `总消耗CPU(ms)` desc
limit 100

The SQL statement that used the most memory during a certain period of time

with now() - interval 24 hour as time_start -- 开始时间
  , now() as time_end -- 结束时间
select any(query), 
	count() as `出现次数`,
	avg(memory_usage) as avg_memory_usage,
	formatReadableSize(avg(memory_usage)) as `平均内存使用`
from system.query_log 
where type = 'QueryFinish'
	and event_time_microseconds >= time_start and event_time_microseconds <= time_end
group by normalizedQueryHash(query)
order by avg_memory_usage desc
limit 100;

Unfinished queries

with now() - interval 24 hour as time_start  -- 开始时间
  , now() as time_end   -- 结束时间
  query_id as `查询ID`,
  min(event_time) as `查询时间`,
  groupArray(type) as `事件类型`
from system.query_log
where event_time_microseconds >= time_start and event_time_microseconds <= time_end
group by query_id
HAVING countIf(type = 'QueryFinish') = 0
order by `查询时间` desc;

Focus on high-consumption queries

with now() - interval 24 hour as time_start -- 开始时间
  , now() as time_end -- 结束时间
select query_id,
    query_duration_ms as `查询时长ms`,
    ProfileEvents.Values [indexOf(ProfileEvents.Names, 'RealTimeMicroseconds')] / 1000 as `实际CPU时间ms`,
    ProfileEvents.Values [indexOf(ProfileEvents.Names, 'UserTimeMicroseconds')] / 1000 as `用户态CPU时间ms`,
    ProfileEvents.Values [indexOf(ProfileEvents.Names, 'SystemTimeMicroseconds')] / 1000 as `系统态CPU时间ms`,
    formatReadableSize(memory_usage) as `总内存消耗`,
    read_rows as ReadRows,
    formatReadableSize(read_bytes) as `总计读取字节`,
    written_rows as WrittenTows,
    formatReadableSize(written_bytes) as `总计写入字节`,
    result_rows as ResultRows,
    formatReadableSize(result_bytes) as `总计输出结果字节`
from system.query_log
where (
        event_time_microseconds >= time_start
        and event_time_microseconds <= time_end
    and type in ('QueryFinish', 'ExceptionWhileProcessing')
order by query_duration_ms desc
limit 100;

Investigate the situation during the execution of a query

To investigate and analyze the execution performance of a specific query, first obtain the start and end time of the query, and then replace the historical performance metrics and other query parameters such as time_start and time_end to obtain useful metrics for the period.

Get the time range of the query

with '<查询ID>' as q_id -- 替换<查询ID>为真实查询ID,例如 D0V_Yabdl9bP9zixMQIxFA==
  , (select
    , any(query_start_time_microseconds + interval query_duration_ms ms)
    , any(query_duration_ms)
    where query_id = q_id and type in ['QueryFinish', 'ExceptionBeforeStart', 'ExceptionWhileProcessing']) as time_span
  , time_span.1 as time_start
  , time_span.2 as time_end
  , time_span.3 as duration
select time_start, time_end;

Query historical metrics using a query time range

To facilitate analysis, the query time range is usually expanded by a certain amount before and after, for example, by 15 seconds, so that trends can be more easily seen. Replace the time_start and time_end parameters with the following with clause.

with '<查询ID>' as q_id -- 替换<查询ID>为真实查询ID,例如 D0V_Yabdl9bP9zixMQIxFA==
  , interval 15 second as margin
  , (select
    , any(query_start_time_microseconds + interval query_duration_ms ms)
    , any(query_duration_ms)
    where query_id = q_id and type in ['QueryFinish', 'ExceptionBeforeStart', 'ExceptionWhileProcessing']) as time_span
  , time_span.1 - margin as time_start
  , time_span.2 + margin as time_end
select time_start, time_end;

For example, the following query shows the changes in memory during the execution of the query D0V_Yabdl9bP9zixMQIxFA==.

with interval 5 second as time_frame_size -- 时间间隔
, 100 as bar_width -- 条状图的宽度,当前是100
, (
  select max(value)
  from system.asynchronous_metric_log
  where metric = 'OSMemoryTotal'
) as max_mem
, 'D0V_Yabdl9bP9zixMQIxFA==' as q_id -- 替换<查询ID>为真实查询ID,例如 D0V_Yabdl9bP9zixMQIxFA==
, interval 15 second as margin
, (
  select any(query_start_time_microseconds),
      query_start_time_microseconds + interval query_duration_ms ms
  from system.query_log
  where query_id = q_id
    and type in ['QueryFinish', 'ExceptionBeforeStart', 'ExceptionWhileProcessing']
) as time_span
, time_span.1 - margin as time_start  -- 查询范围的开始时间前一点
, time_span.2 + margin as time_end  -- 查询范围的结束时间后一点
select toStartOfInterval(event_time, time_frame_size) as timeframe,
  max(value) as `used_memory`,
  formatReadableSize(`used_memory`) as `used_memory_readable`,
  formatReadableSize(max_mem) as `max_memory`,
  bar(used_memory / max_mem, 0, 1, bar_width) -- 设置搁置
from system.asynchronous_metric_log
where metric = 'MemoryResident'
  and event_time >= time_start
  and event_time <= time_end
group by timeframe
order by timeframe desc;

Memory and CPU utilization during a query

Follow the previous method and replace time_start and time_end.

with interval 5 minute as time_frame_size -- 时间间隔,当前是5分钟
, 25 as bar_width -- 条状图的宽度,当前是100
, (select max(value) from system.asynchronous_metric_log where metric = 'OSMemoryTotal') as max_mem
, 'D0V_Yabdl9bP9zixMQIxFA==' as q_id -- 替换<查询ID>为真实查询ID,例如 D0V_Yabdl9bP9zixMQIxFA==
, interval 15 second as margin
, (
  select any(query_start_time_microseconds),
      query_start_time_microseconds + interval query_duration_ms ms
  from system.query_log
  where query_id = q_id
    and type in ['QueryFinish', 'ExceptionBeforeStart', 'ExceptionWhileProcessing']
) as time_span
, time_span.1 - margin as time_start  -- 查询范围的开始时间前一点
, time_span.2 + margin as time_end  -- 查询范围的结束时间后一点
select toStartOfInterval(event_time, time_frame_size) as timeframe,
	maxIf(value, metric = 'MemoryResident') as `used_memory`,
    formatReadableSize(`used_memory`) as `used_memory_readable`,
    formatReadableSize(max_mem) as `max_memory`,
    maxIf(value, metric = 'OSUserTimeNormalized') as cpu_usr,
    maxIf(value, metric = 'OSSystemTimeNormalized') as cpu_sys,    
    cpu_usr + cpu_sys as cpu,
    bar(used_memory / max_mem, 0, 1, bar_width) as barMem,
    bar(cpu_usr + cpu_sys, 0, 1, bar_width) as barCPU_usr
from system.asynchronous_metric_log
where metric in ['OSUserTimeNormalized', 'OSSystemTimeNormalized', 'MemoryResident']
	and event_time >= time_start
	and event_time <= time_end
group by timeframe
order by timeframe desc;

Other queries that are executed at the same time as the query

In some cases, the reason why a query is running slowly is not entirely its own fault, but rather because other queries are being executed in parallel. This requires an investigation of the running status of other queries during query execution.

The following query lists all concurrent queries during query execution (including the current query).

with 'D0V_Yabdl9bP9zixMQIxFA==' as q_id -- 替换<查询ID>为真实查询ID,例如 D0V_Yabdl9bP9zixMQIxFA==
  , interval 15 second as margin
  , (select any(query_start_time_microseconds),
      any(query_start_time_microseconds + interval query_duration_ms ms),
    from system.query_log
    where query_id = q_id and type in ['QueryFinish', 'ExceptionBeforeStart', 'ExceptionWhileProcessing']
    ) as time_span
  , time_span.1 - margin as time_start  -- 查询范围的开始时间前一点
  , time_span.2 + margin as time_end  -- 查询范围的结束时间后一点
    (query_start_time_microseconds + interval query_duration_ms ms) as query_end_time_microseconds,
    formatReadableSize (memory_usage),
    (query_end_time_microseconds >= time_start and query_end_time_microseconds <= time_end
    query_start_time_microseconds >= time_start and query_start_time_microseconds <= time_end)
    and type in ['QueryFinish', 'ExceptionBeforeStart', 'ExceptionWhileProcessing']
order by event_time_microseconds;

Query execution detail analysis

After it is known that a query has a problem, the specific reason for the problem (such as slow speed or excessive memory usage) can be analyzed in more detail.

A lot of execution details are hidden in the trace_log log. When the trace_log log is open, the CH will record the current code execution snapshot every so often during code execution, that is, the callstack, thread number, memory size requested (if it is a memory log), and other information at that time. This information is very helpful for analyzing problems such as deadlocks, performance bottlenecks, memory waste, and frequent memory requests.

View code execution process snapshots

The following query can obtain a series of call stack snapshots during the execution of a query. If a call stack appears frequently, it is likely to mean that the program execution is stuck in this place, which may be a performance bottleneck or a deadlock.

with '<查询ID>' as qid  -- 替换<查询ID>为真实值,例如:Ep983OmKg4Ya9Zvyu9OB9A==
        arrayMap(addr -> demangle(addressToSymbol(addr)), trace) as callstack
        trace_type in ['CPU']
        and query_id = qid
order by event_time_microseconds desc
settings allow_introspection_functions = 1;

Viewing memory requests and releases during code execution

The following query provides a snapshot of the memory requests made during the execution of a query. Each memory allocation is recorded. The following query shows how memory is consumed step by step.

with '<查询ID>' as qid  -- 替换<查询ID>为真实值,例如:Ep983OmKg4Ya9Zvyu9OB9A==
        formatReadableSize(size) as `本次分配内存`,
        sum(size) over w as size_running,
        formatReadableSize(size_running) as `累计分配内存`,
        thread_id ,
        arrayMap(addr -> demangle(addressToSymbol(addr)), trace) as callstack
        trace_type in ['Memory']
        and query_id = qid
window w as (rows between unbounded preceding and current row)
order by event_time_microseconds desc
settings allow_introspection_functions = 1;

Flame graph analysis

Detailed introduction about flame graph is in another article.

IO analysis

To find queries with disk I/O as the bottleneck, you need to obtain the I/O load of all queries over a period of time and analyze the queries with heavy I/O.

I/O and CPU details for each SQL over a period of time

with now() - interval 24 hour as time_start -- 开始时间
  , now() as time_end -- 结束时间
select query_id,
    query_duration_ms as `查询时长ms`,
    ProfileEvents.Values [indexOf(ProfileEvents.Names, 'RealTimeMicroseconds')] / 1000 as `实际CPU时间ms`,
    ProfileEvents.Values [indexOf(ProfileEvents.Names, 'UserTimeMicroseconds')] / 1000 as `用户态CPU时间ms`,
    ProfileEvents.Values [indexOf(ProfileEvents.Names, 'SystemTimeMicroseconds')] / 1000 as `系统态CPU时间ms`,
    ProfileEvents.Values [indexOf(ProfileEvents.Names, 'DiskReadElapsedMicroseconds')] / 1000 as `磁盘读取时间ms`,
    ProfileEvents.Values [indexOf(ProfileEvents.Names, 'DiskWriteElapsedMicroseconds')] / 1000 as `磁盘写入时间ms`,
    ProfileEvents.Values [indexOf(ProfileEvents.Names, 'IOBufferAllocs')] as `IO缓冲区分配次数`,
    ProfileEvents.Values [indexOf(ProfileEvents.Names, 'IOBufferAllocBytes')] as `IOBufferAllocBytes`,
    formatReadableSize(IOBufferAllocBytes) as `IO缓冲区分配大小`,
    ProfileEvents.Values [indexOf(ProfileEvents.Names, 'FileOpen')] as `文件打开次数`,
    ProfileEvents.Values [indexOf(ProfileEvents.Names, 'ReadBufferFromFileDescriptorReadBytes')] as ReadBufferFromFileDescriptorReadBytes,
    formatReadableSize(ReadBufferFromFileDescriptorReadBytes) as `文件读取字节数`,
    ProfileEvents.Values [indexOf(ProfileEvents.Names, 'WriteBufferFromFileDescriptorWriteBytes')] as WriteBufferFromFileDescriptorWriteBytes,
    formatReadableSize(WriteBufferFromFileDescriptorWriteBytes) as `文件写入字节数`,
    ProfileEvents.Values [indexOf(ProfileEvents.Names, 'WriteBufferFromFileDescriptorWrite')] as `文件写入次数`,
    ProfileEvents.Values [indexOf(ProfileEvents.Names, 'ZooKeeperTransactions')] as `ZooKeeper事务数`,
    read_rows as ReadRows,
    formatReadableSize(read_bytes) as `总计读取字节`,
    written_rows as WrittenTows,
    formatReadableSize(written_bytes) as `总计写入字节`,
    result_rows as ResultRows,
    formatReadableSize(result_bytes) as `总计输出结果字节`
from system.query_log
where (
        event_time_microseconds >= time_start
        and event_time_microseconds <= time_end
    and type in ('QueryFinish', 'ExceptionWhileProcessing')
order by query_duration_ms desc
limit 100;

Log analysis

To filter logs by keyword, use the following command:

grep <keyword> /var/log/clickhouse-server.log

For example,

grep MemoryTracker /var/log/clickhouse-server.log

For older log files that have been packaged in .gz, use the zgrep command to view them without having to unpack them. The command is as follows:

zgrep <keyword> /var/log/clickhouse-server.log.*.gz

For example,

zgrep MemoryTracker /var/log/clickhouse-server.log.*.gz